For many, the last two weeks have meant the start of a new year and making some minor (or major) adjustments to our lives, often referred to as “New Year resolutions”. However, for the people of Puerto Rico, they haven’t had that luxury. More than 1,280 earthquakes have hit their southern region since December 28, many of them magnitude 4.5 or greater up to a 6.4 magnitude. Scientists are predicting earthquakes will continue over the next two weeks.
As you’d imagine, many houses and buildings are damaged and uninhabitable. Thousands are sleeping outside or in tents either because their houses have been damaged or in fear of upcoming earthquakes. Many doctor’s offices and hospitals are unable to operate in the area and there’s a need for medical professionals to help at clinics to treat minor injuries and see patients who are unable to see their regular doctors for health needs. There is also need for counselors to help with those affected by trauma.
MercyWorks helps people impacted by natural disaster and we’re inviting YOU to go to Puerto Rico with us. Our next team will leave from DFW on February 7 and returns one week later. The approximate cost for the trip is $600 which includes your flight from Dallas, ground transportation while in Puerto Rico, your housing and three meals daily.
If you want to go, contact Beth Knox at [email protected] by January 22 to give us time to receive applications and book flights.
Whether you go or not, please join us in praying for the people of Puerto Rico.
Because of His mercy,

Contact MercyWorks on 1-866-77-MERCY. (1-866-776-3729)P.S. MercyWorks is also sending a team to the border of Uganda and South Sudan soon to work with refugees. Women and girls in the camps are vulnerable to being trafficked due to extreme poverty. We hope to provide business opportunities for them and would appreciate your prayers for this effort too!